Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

French Community

Participants : Patrick Amar, Jérôme Azé, Julie Bernauer, Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, Alain Denise, Christine Froidevaux, Sabine Peres, Yann Ponty, Mireille Régnier, Jean-Marc Steyaert.

The whole team is involved in GDR-Bim (Molecular Bioinformatics, http://www.gdr-bim.u-psud.fr/ ). J. Azé is the webmaster. Alain Denise is a member of the Scientific Committee. Ch. Froidevaux and S. Cohen-Boulakia participate to the subdomain Knowledge Representation, Ontologies, Data Integration and Grids.

A. Denise, Y. Ponty and M. Régnier participate into the subdomain Sequence Analysis and to Comatege subgroup of GDR- Im (Informatique Mathématique, http://www.gdr-im.fr/ )

A. Denise, Y. Ponty, J.-M. Steyaert, and M. Régnier are involved in the Alea working group (http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~nicaud/webalea/ of the GDR-Im (Informatique Mathématique, http://www.gdr-im.fr/ ).

Seminars and visits

Amib seminars

We received in our weekly seminar: A. Thévenin (Bielefeld University), A. Sim (Bioinformatics Institute, A*STAR Singapore), J. Andreani-Feuillet (Cea , Saclay), R. Fonseca (University of Copenhagen), P. Clote (Boston College), J. Waldispuhl (McGill University), Robert Giegerich (Bielefeld Univeristy), J-C. Almeida (Lisbonne), Y. Okamoto (Nagoya University), N. Malod-Dognin (Inria Sophia-Antipolis), V. Boeva (Institut Curie, Paris), L. Pereyaslavets (Stanford University), X. Huang (Hkust ).

Other seminars

P. Amar ran a workshop at the Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics. Spring school at Évry. He has been invited to give a talk at the Ecole de Printemps 2012 de la Société Francophone de Biologie Théorique on Comparative study of some methods for simulation of biochemical reactions.

J. Azé has been invited to present his work in the field of Protein-Protein Interaction and Docking to the Dalembert's seminars of Paris-Sud.

J. Bernauer gave a talk at the Inria@SiliconValley Workshop Bis2012 in May in Paris. She gave an invited talk at the Computational Structural Biology workshop at Hkust in August (Hong-Kong) at SSRL (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource) in November (Slac , Stanford, USA).

S. Cohen-Boulakia has been invited to participate to the Dagsthul seminar on Principles on Provenance. She has been invited to present the current challenges and opportunities in the field of Data Integration in the Life Sciences at Internet Memory.

A. Denise gave an invited keynote on combinatorics and random generation in the context of bioinformatics at the GASCom 2012 conference (Bordeaux).

S. Peres has been invited to give a talk to the Dagsthul seminar 12462 on Symbolic Methods for Chemical Reaction Networks. She gave a talk to Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics. at Évry and to The 4th Jfli-Lri-Nii Workshop on Consequence Finding and Satisfiability Testing in Distributed Environments and Systems Biology at Orsay.

Y. Ponty gave an invited keynote on RNA visualization at the EMBL-hosted conference VIZBI'12 (Heidelberg, Germany), three invited talks at the Benasque RNA workshop (Spain), and an invited talk at the SeqBio'12 colloquium (Ligm , Marne La Vallée, France).

M. Régnier gave an invited talk at the Conference “en l'honneur d' Alain Guenoche”, Cirm , Marseille, France.

International exchanges

J.Bernauer and M.Régnier visited H. van den Bedem at SSRL (Slac ) and M. Levitt at Stanford University (USA). J.Bernauer visited the Huang group at Hkust (Hong-Kong) and the Bujnicki lab at Iimcb (Warsaw, Poland).

M. Régnier and D. Iakovishina visited IoGene (Moscow). M. Régnier visited Usc (M. Waterman) and UC Berkeley (P. Novichkov and E. Purdom).

S. Cohen-Boulakia visited the Information Management Group at the University of Manchester (C. Goble and N. Paton) to initiate collaboration on Data Integration for the Life Sciences (including provenance in scientific workflows).

Katsumi Inoue's group visited Amib group during the 4th Jfli-Lri-Nii Workshop on "Consequence Finding and Satisfiability Testing in Distributed Environments and Systems Biology" (19th - 20th, November 2012).

Program Committee

P. Amar was chairman of the organising committee, and a member of the scientific committee as well, for the conference "Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the context of genomics", Evry, May 2012. (http://epigenomique.free.fr/en ).

J. Azé and C. Froidevaux served as PC members for the conference Egc 2012 (Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, Bordeaux).

S. Cohen-Boulakia served as PC member for: Icde 2012 22 (27th I 2012 222tnf. on Data Engineering, Washington, USA), Sweet 2012 (Int. workshop on Scalable Workflow Enactment Engines and Technologies, Scottsdale, USA) and Bda 2012 (Bases de Données Avancées, Clermont-Ferrand).

S. Cohen-Boulakia and C. Froidevaux served as PC member for Dils 2012 (Int. workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences, University of Maryland, USA).

A. Denise is a member of the editorial board of Technique et Sciences Informatiques.

F. D'Alche-Buc, C. Froidevaux, and Y. Ponty served as PC members for Jobim 2012 (Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques, Rennes).

Ch. Froidevaux served as member of the program committee of Jobim'12 bioinformatics conference.

She was PC member of the following international workshops and conferences: Cmbs 2012 2012 (25th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Rome, Italy), Nettab'2012 (12th International Workshop on Network Tools and Applications in Biology, on Integrated Bio-Search, Como, Italy) Iccs 2012 (Workshop on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges to Computer Science, Omaha, USA) and Ismb 2012 (Applied Bioinformatics area, Long Beach, USA).

J. Bernauer, Y. Ponty and M. Régnier served as PC members for Wrsbs 2012 (1st International Workshop on Robustness and Stability of Biological Systems and Computational Solutions, Orlando, USA).

Y. Ponty, M. Régnier, and J.-M. Steyaert served as PC members for Bicob 2012 (4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Las Vegas, USA).

S. Peres served as PC member for Eccb 2012 (European Conference on Computational Biology 2012, Basel, Switzerland).

Research administration

Y. Ponty is an elected member of the Comité national du CNRS (6th section – Foundations of Computer Science and CID 51 –Bioinformatics).

J. Bernauer is member of the IDEX Paris - Saclay Groupe de travail Sciences du Vivant.

A. Denise was a member of the Comité national du CNRS (7th section – and CID 43 –Bioinformatics) until September 2012. He is an expert for the Direction Géenérale de la Recherche et l'Innovation (DGRI) of the Research Ministry. He is a member of the Scientific Commission of the Inria-Saclay reserach center.

Ch. Froidevaux has been head of the Computer Science Department at the University Paris Sud until the end of January 2012 and is head of the Bioinfo group at Lri .

M. Régnier is a deputy-member of Digiteo program committee.

J.-M.Steyaert is a member of the Board of Administrators of Polytechnique.